Baking a Pie on Pi Day

Grabbing joy every day

Jenna Goldsmith
3 min readMar 15, 2022
Flat lay of an apple pie with a slice cut out and set on a separate plate.
Photo by Didi Miam on Unsplash

Now I’m riding this wave of change, I’ve decided to stop letting myself cruise along and missing everything there is to love about life.

Today is March 14th, also known as Pi Day since the date looks like the first few digits of Pi: 3.14! It’s not anything but a fun day for math nerds, and maybe also an excuse to make pie… if you have the time.

Ask me on any other day, and I’d say I don’t have the time or energy to make an entire pie.

How sad is that?

Why can’t I make a pie if I want to? I’m an adult! It’s not as if I really don’t have time, it just gets taken up by things that don’t bring me joy… like Social Media.

But lately, I’ve been on this surprising journey of transformation and change, which has so far culminated in a severe cutback to my time spent on social media and the somewhat tragic honour killing of my small business, and it has me frantically grasping at life for beauty and joy.

It’s a fire in me I can’t seem to extinguish, though, why would I want to?

For most of my 28 years on the planet we call Earth, I feel like I’ve been living on a sort of autopilot. Shyness, a fear of failure or…

