Member-only story
Radical Contentment is the Next Revolution
How self-love and gratitude can fight against capitalism and greed
I saw this tweet today:
This is what modern society has come to. A lockdown to prevent a deadly virus from spreading and potentially killing people is seen by the job market as a year-and-a-half-long sabbatical.
Our collective health and safety were on the line, but we’re still expected to do better to be better. Get that job. Get that promotion. Don’t waste time. Apparently trying to survive a global pandemic without “personal development” is wasting time.
It’s all more more more. More work. More money. More stuff.
We are always taught to reach for more. Always win. Never settle for anything less than great. We are always told that we’re not good enough and that certain products and services will fix all our problems.
But, what if we realized those problems aren’t real?
We see these “success” stories over and over. Spoonfed this constant stream of I Made $5,000,000 in One Weekend and Here’s How You Can Too! All to keep us in this state of…