Your Word Choice Matters

Choosing the right words is a key component of being a writer

Jenna Goldsmith
4 min readJul 14, 2020

How much does word choice matter?

I’d say quite a bit. But, that’s just my opinion.

Recently, I read an article that troubled me. The author – though clearly intelligent and eloquent – used the word “deserve” when talking about body types and body positivity.

Her message was:

You have the body you deserve.

Now, I’m of the opinion that the cancer patient, the chronically ill, those with disabilities didn’t do anything to incite some karmic wrath against their bodies. But that’s the impression I got from this message.

The word came up over and over. And the thing was, it seemed out of place in an article that was supposed to be about body positivity and not needing fancy clothes to go to the gym. Weird, right?

But everything I agreed with was quickly replaced with the idea that if your body looks or behaves a certain way, then you’re not working hard enough. It’s your own fault.


